Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fresh Faced: Anna Heaton

In a recent conversation with my dear (and far too connected and professional!) friend Vicky, we were discussing our model tastes. I made a passing reference that it takes a very special type of blonde to capture my attention. She replied that she had certainly noticed that. Well, I was not under the impression that my hypercritical nature regarding blondes was that evident. I suppose it has something to do with growing up in America, where the atypical blonde, Playboy girl is the personified paragon of beauty. Given how much I tend to fixate on the hard and directional beauty, blondes have a way of coming across too commercial to me, with some notable exceptions (Kori Richardson, Cristina Jurach, Inna Pilipenko, etc).

However, a natural, ethereal and intelligent type of blonde will always be appreciated in my books. Take for example the uncanny and serene Anna Heaton at First Model Management:

(all images courtesy of First Model Management)

The moodiness behind her eyes, and that austere British sensibility makes Anna worth more than just a second look. Actually, come to think of it, I was the second one to lay my eyes on Anna, as the wonderfully gifted Maud and Penelope featured her on MNP just before I discovered her for myself. Either way, at 5'11" and with some enviable 32-24-35 measurements, I have high hopes for Ms. Heaton.

Given the success that First had during London Fashion Week with Regina Shnizer, I can only hope that some more of those casting directors will be searching through the new faces at First to find Anna primed and ready for her break. Supreme, I'm looking in your direction on this one.

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