Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fresh Faced: Suzie Bird

So, if an onomatopoeia is the formation of a word based on sounds, do we really have any equally exclusive word for when things are named after what they look like? Well in the case of Suzie Bird at Elite Paris, I suppose I'm just going to call her last name apropos, as there is something decidedly avian about the shape of her insanely high cheekbones, nose and lips. Yes, there are plenty of other models with similar pointed, bird-like features, but what truly is holding my attention is what Suzie does with her eyes. There is a very quite and stoic strength behind her big brown eyes that comes across as very confident in photographs.

(all images courtesy of Elite Paris)

More over, I'm really enjoying the subtle androgyny that Elite is building upon in these polaroids. There is something decidedly Jil Sander about the combination of a clean, strong, angular face and clean lines of the clothes Suzie is wearing. Anyhow, Suzie's debut on the Elite website has come without statistics, but from what I can tell her body is looking quite bookable (albeit about maybe 5'9.5"?) and her portfolio is actually quite nice for such a newcomer.

I for one am looking forward to watching Suzie's development process unfold over at Elite, and presumably Ford in New York, which will hopefully include more of those avant-garde polaroids that I'm so fond of. In any case, Suzie is fast becoming one of my favorite faces on that Elite Paris development board which is already stacked with potential.

Edited to add: Just a brief editorial here, but I would like to note that no modelista in the online community ever truly discovers a girl; we're not in that realm. However, when I'm not the first to come across a model online, I am at least wise and considerate enough to credit and thank those who did. To me, there is nothing more underhanded than passing off someone's work and ideas as your own.

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